Email feature:
Want to remember some book titles you found in our catalog? Email the records to yourself. At the bottom of each page appears a box where you may enter your email address to send single or multiple catalog records to yourself. Just check the boxes of the books you want. You may also save books to a bookbag and keep a running list of titles you are interested in looking at later.
Blurb #2:
The library catalog makes it easy to view the newest books that have been bought or acquired by the Library. The Library does not always buy the newest titles, rather books are selected to support curriculum and research as needed. Enter the online catalog and select the "New Books" tab near the top in order to browse new acquisitions. Choose any collections that interest you and select a range of time from the drop-down menu: last week, last 2 weeks, last 3 weeks, etc.
Facebook. We have an ISU Library Facebook page. Our collections really are worth promoting and using. We have some great titles.
What books, videos, maps, etc. have you recently studied to advance your knowledge and academic pursuits?
Want to remember some book titles you found in our catalog? Email the records to yourself. At the bottom of each page appears a box where you may enter your email address to send single or multiple catalog records to yourself. Just check the boxes of the books you want. You may also save books to a bookbag and keep a running list of titles you are interested in looking at later.
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Add book titles to bookbag by selecting the boxes on the left and clicking the button "Save to Bookbag." |
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Keep book titles that interest you in a book bag for later review. Selecting the boxes allows you to email, print, or save titles for personal use. |
Blurb #2:
The library catalog makes it easy to view the newest books that have been bought or acquired by the Library. The Library does not always buy the newest titles, rather books are selected to support curriculum and research as needed. Enter the online catalog and select the "New Books" tab near the top in order to browse new acquisitions. Choose any collections that interest you and select a range of time from the drop-down menu: last week, last 2 weeks, last 3 weeks, etc.
Facebook. We have an ISU Library Facebook page. Our collections really are worth promoting and using. We have some great titles.
What books, videos, maps, etc. have you recently studied to advance your knowledge and academic pursuits?