Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mass Communications Handout

Potential Sources for Advertising Information, Notes, and URLs
1. CACI Marketing Solutions OR CACI Marketing Systems. www.caci.co.ui/msd.html

2. Adweek: Includes many articles on AOL (American Online). Look for the A to Z Journal List on the following research page, which is free to ISU students. Also found in Business Source Complete. www.adweek.com http://www.isu.edu/library/research/

3. Advertising Age: Look it up in the A to Z Journal List, found on the following research page. LexisNexis Academic has the longest coverage, but other databases also provide access. www.adage.com

4. BPA Worldwide: Provides Circulation Statements/Audit Reports, US Consumer AuditVAR, Trend Reports & Analysis, etc. Access to this library is free, but a user ID is required. http://search.bpai.com/ OR www.bpaww.com/library/index.cgi.

5. Taylor Nelson Media Intelligence: They can provide industry analysis. They do look at the media industry and focus on competitive advertising information. Also do an Advanced Search on Taylor Nelson Sofres to find more ad information. www.tnsglobal.com/market-research/media/ OR www.tns-mi.com/.

6. Consumer Reports: Use the A to Z Journal List, which can be found on the following research page. Oldest data found in LexisNexis = 1988. Business Source Complete = 1991. It gives reports on products and services. www.consumerreports.org. Free to you as an ISU student. [Technically, you and Idaho taxpayers have already paid for it with your tuition fees and state taxes.]

7. Facebook Ads: This blog entry describes a feature for purchasing ads directed at college-age persons and anyone using Facebook. "Called Facebook Ads, the new program is threefold: advertisers can create branded pages, run targeted advertisements, and have access to intelligence and analytics pertaining to the site's more than 50 million users. Partners can participate in all three components of Facebook Ads, or a combination of them.”

Note among the tags on the left-hand side that "Facebook" has been tagged 19 time (probably more if I haven't updated this blog recently), meaning that the author has posted 19 entries on the topic. http://onlinesocialnetworks.blogspot.com/search/label/Advertising

8. Editor & Publisher: Market Guide which may provide valuable demographic information of the U.S. and Canada. www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/index.jsp

9. AdNetTrackUS: This business-related site offers business persons links to online advertisers, airline tickets, starting a business from home, business offers, etc. www.adnettrackus.com

10. Harris Polls: Conduct an Advanced Search on Google. One result: www.aboutjunkie.com/paid-surveys/harris-polls.php. They seek to gain input from teenagers. Tip: When using Google use the “Advanced Search” option and limit your searche to English, United States, in the last year, to show 50 results on a page, etc. www.harrispollonline.com

11. National Cable Communications [NCC]: If you want to advertise on cable TV, here’s a good place to find out about the networks and where you might want to advertise. They can help you locate the consumers you want to target. www.spotcable.com/index.html

12. Anastasia Goodstein: Author of Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens are Really Doing Online. Her blog focuses on this demographic and what they do. http://totallywired.ypulse.com/.

13. Nielsen Media Research: go here to find TV’s top 10 programs of the previous week. They can monitor local, national, cultural, and sporting networks. www.nielsenmedia.com/nc/portal/site/Public/

14. Hey!Nielsen: Allows people to rank stars, shows, songs, videos, etc. This social networking site allows individuals to offer their own views on popular media persons and products. www.heynielsen.com/

15. Media Rating Council: Includes many of the major television stations in the U.S. It appears that they gauge the sizes of television-viewing audiences and their makeup. In their own words: “To secure for the media industry and related users audience measurement services that are valid, reliable and effective.” www.mediaratingcouncil.org/

16. MRI: MediaMark’s Research & Intelligence: The Survey of the American Consumer™ collects information on adult consumers' media choices, product usage, demographics, lifestyle and attitudes. Usage of nearly 6,000 product and service brands across 550 categories are measured, along with the readership of hundreds of magazines and newspapers, Internet usage, TV viewership to the program level, national and local radio listening, Yellow Pages usage and Out-of-Home exposure. www.mediamark.com/

17. MRI Plus: It allows you to register for a free account. Select Top-Line Reports, then choose MRI Cyberstats for a detailed chart showing detailed internet usage statistics. www.mriplus.com

18. Journal of Marketing: LIBRARY HAS CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION. Periodicals (3rd Floor). An online version can be accessed via Business Source Complete with coverage extending back to 1936. HF5415.A2 J6. See also the A to Z Journal List on the following research page. It should appear on the second page of results due to the alphabetized listing of results.

19. MarketingVOX: The Voice of Online Marketing: Found using a Google Search and the following terms: “nielsen ratings millennials generation Y.” www.marketingvox.com/

20. New Content for a New Generation: Gives insights into the world that exists today with many comments about Gen Y and their influence on the Media and advertising practices/trends. Good for certain statistics. Source found using Google Search in www.generatela.com/pdf/Generate_White_Paper.pdf

21. The Long Tail: A Public Diary on Themes Around a Book.: Increasingly, people talk about meeting the unique needs of individuals and how the internet makes this profitable. Source found using Google Search in #19. www.thelongtail.com [a blog]

22. Pinpointgolf: It can help you advertise in an outdoor setting. Pinpoint Golf is the largest provider of advertising and marketing opportunities at golf courses and golf ranges nationwide. www.pinpointgolf.com/

23. Statistical Abstract of the United States: Find demographic information about U.S. citizens and residents, that is by age, sex, race, religion, income, education, etc. www.census.gov/compendia/statab/

24. Claritas: Zipcode marketing. “Identifying the right market research solutions for customer acquisition, customer retention, market analysis and site location strategies can be challenging. Your marketing success depends on the right marketing analysis tools, along with reliable consumer information about the US population and dependable business data.” www.claritas.com/claritas/Default.jsp

25. Survey of buying power and media markets: Published by Sales & Marketing Management--found in the library catalog. An annual publication that provides household demographics, buying power and spending, and retail sales. Library has most current volume. HF5438 .A34 Periodicals (3rd Floor)

26. Simmons Market Research: *Do an advanced Google search.
27. Spectra Zipcode Marketing. Another Nielsen product or service. www.spectramarketing.com

28. SRDS: *Need to subscribe to use web site. The Lifestyle market analyst, 2004 : a reference guide for consumer market analysis. www.srds.com
HF5415.33.U6 L54 2004 Reference Collection (1st Floor) - NO CHECKOUT
29. Media Dynamics: is a full-service, media production company. www.mediadynamics.com/main.htm

30. U.S. Government Printing Office: Statistics, health, government, laws, enforcement, foreign affairs, agriculture, parks, judicial system, labor, etc. www.access.gpo.gov
http://usa.gov = official website of the U.S. govt.

Books, Articles, and Videos on the Subjects of Advertising, social networking sites:
1. Colin McDonald Advertising reach and frequency : maximizing advertising results through effective frequency. HF5827 .M19 1996 Main Book Collection (2nd Floor). Found in the library catalog

2. [Note the subject headings that may be of particular interest to you in this project.] Marketing information. Marketing --Information services --United States --Directories.
Marketing research --Information services --United States --Directories.
Advertising --Information services --United States --Directories.
Marketing --Bibliography --Periodicals.
Advertising --Bibliography --Periodicals.
HF5415.124 .M36 Reference Collection (1st Floor) - NO CHECKOUT

3. Larry D. Kelley and Donald W. Jugenheimer. Advertising media planning : a brand management approach HF5826.5 .K45 2004 Main Book Collection (2nd Floor).

4. Helen Katz. The media handbook : a complete guide to advertising media selection, planning, research, and buying HF5826.5 .K38 2003. Main Book Collection (2nd Floor).
5. Hodgkinson, Tom. “Why you should beware of Facebook.” Article retrieved 23 January 2008. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2008/01/18/1200620184398.html

6. [Video] “Does what happens in the facebook stay in the facebook?” URL: http://albumoftheday.com/facebook/

7. Joseph Ostrow Do a Google Advanced Search with his name in the title. "Setting Effective Frequency Levels", Effective Frequency: The State of the Art. New York: Advertising Research Foundation, Key Issues Workshop, 1982, pp. 89–102.

Core Databases:
• Academic Search Complete (EBSCOHost) Look for databases here.
• Business Source Complete (EBSCOHost)
• LexisNexis Academic
• LexisNexis Statistical
• Mergent Online

For other relevant databases consider looking at the Resources by Subject pages for Business and Communication, Mass Communication, & Rhetoric.

Look for the A to Z Journal List on the following research page:
It can help you find access to all journals in the library, especially electronic ones. This is where you go for full-text articles.
Click on A-Z Journal List in the Library Quick Links drop-down menu.
Also: www.isu.edu/library/research/.

Company Information: AOL LLC AOL (Time Warner)
AOL home— www.corp.aol.com
AOL within Time Warner www.timewarner.com/corp
Business Source Complete (EBSCOHost) CO “AOL” = company search
Mergent Online (formerly Moody’s) www.mergentonline.com/compsearch.asp (When off campus, access this database via the “Database” link in the Library Quick Links drop-down menu on the library’s home page (www.isu.edu/library).

See the list of links on subsequent pages.
Google www.google.com
Yahoo www.yahoo.com
Clusty http://clusty.com/ (It’s a metasearch engine, meaning it searches many search engines.)
Ask www.ask.com

Reference Sources: Search the library catalog for more.
AOL in Wikipedia www.wikipedia.org
The Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising. (HF5803 .A38 2003) Reference Collection (1st Floor) - NO CHECKOUT
Editor & Publisher Market Guide. (Ref HF5905.E38, latest edition is 2007)
Encyclopedia of Consumer Brands. (HF5415.3 .E527 1994) Reference Collection (1st Floor) - NO CHECKOUT
Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns. (HF5837 .E53 2000) Reference Collection (1st Floor) - NO CHECKOUT
International Directory of Company Histories. (Ref HD2721.I58 1988+ ) Includes references to AOL Time Warner Inc & AOL, Inc.
Marketing Plans: how to prepare them, how to use them (HF5415.13 .M369183 2002) Reference Collection (1st Floor) - NO CHECKOUT
Statistical Abstract of the United States full-text tables www.census.gov/compendia/statab. Print copy: (Doc Ref Desk C 3.134:2007.)
State and Metropolitan Area Data Book. (Doc Ref Desk C3.134/5:2006.)
U.S. Government’s official web portal: http://usa.gov.
World Almanac. (Ref Desk AY67.N5 2007.)

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